Message from the University President
President, Setsunan University
Yasuyuki Kubo
Fostering Talented Human Resources based on the Founding Spirit of Setsunan University
Josho Gakuen Educational Foundation, the parent organization of Setsunan University, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2022. The origin of the University can be traced back to the founding of Kansai Engineering Technical School. The first principal of the school was Mr. Yasushi Kataoka. He was a well-known architect who also demonstrated his skills in business and administration. In addition, he was also a leading cultural figure with a deep knowledge of culture and history. It was a turbulent time 100 years ago, with the Russian Revolution, World War I, the Spanish flu epidemic, the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the Great Depression. Now, with the spreading of the new coronavirus, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, turmoil in the Middle East, climate change and disasters, and widening economic disparities, the situation is increasingly similar to that of 100 years ago. Under such circumstances, Kansai Engineering Technical School was established to provide opportunities for acquiring specialized skills such as civil engineering and architecture, especially for the young and working class. The school was founded during the forming of a modern industrial society at the time, with a strong sense of mission to meet the demands of training human resources. I think it is particularly noteworthy that the school was founded with a noble ideal of providing opportunities for young people who did not have the chance to attend school, which is in line with goal 17 of the SDGs, providing quality education for all. The school provided high-quality education in response to the demands of society during the turbulent times. Looking back at the development of mankind over the past 100 years, we have experienced the above-mentioned problems and cannot help but feel that we have not yet achieved a fundamental solution to them. However, I deeply feel that we are now in an era in which we must return to the founding spirit of the school 100 years ago and nurture human resources who will respond to the demands of society and proactively solve problems without fear.
Setsunan University was founded in 1975 based on the former Kansai Engineering Technical School, and will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025. The 1970s was a time of rapid economic growth, and while the economic development of society seemed to be creating a brighter future year after year, at the same time there were glimpses of social distortions and people's distrust of each other, creating pollution and the Cold War between the East and the West. Against this backdrop, Setsunan University set out on a mission of fostering a rich intellect and moral education. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the founding of Setsunan University and the 100th anniversary of Josho Gakuen Education Foundation, now is the time to embrace and further develop the values sought by our predecessors, and the mission of Setsunan University has deepened even further.
John Dewey, an American educationalist and philosopher, once said "Education is not preparing for the future, but it is the process of life itself," and also "Every human being is incomplete, and a school is the place where teachers and children live together and generate rich mutual learning." He also asserted that students and teachers are not in a binary relationship of teaching and receiving, but rather a relationship of growing together. On one hand, it is natural that education aims to develop human resources required by society, but on the other hand, it can also be understood that the university is also the society and life itself. In this sense, I think it is important for how fulfilling the campus life of Setsunan University is, and that with the campus as the ground, humanity and culture will also sprout. The goal is to provide a richer and rewarding campus life.
Setsunan University has become a comprehensive university with nine faculties upon the establishment of the Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies this year. While there are concerns that the segmentation and specialization of academics will lead to isolation, I feel that a free spirit is the root of wisdom and inspiration. This wisdom will not confine the spirit of people but instead will transcend the dimensions of differences, strengths, and weaknesses. Also, it will further enhance mutual networking and cooperation among faculties. I am convinced that this will expand to cooperation with other universities in Japan and abroad, and lead to the growth of students, faculties, and staff as a whole. I am determined to initiate the next 50 or 100 years of Setsunan University where everyone involved would grow together.Setsunan University has become a comprehensive university with nine faculties upon the establishment of the Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies this year. While there are concerns that the segmentation and specialization of academics will lead to isolation, I feel that a free spirit is the root of wisdom and inspiration. This wisdom will not confine the spirit of people but instead will transcend the dimensions of differences, strengths, and weaknesses. Also, it will further enhance mutual networking and cooperation among faculties. I am convinced that this will expand to cooperation with other universities in Japan and abroad, and lead to the growth of students, faculties, and staff as a whole. I am determined to initiate the next 50 or 100 years of Setsunan University where everyone involved would grow together.