2018年11月27日 更新
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No. | 資料ID | タイトル | 推薦文等 |
1 | 92180630 | Successful keys to the TOEIC(R) listening and reading test / Mark D. Stafford ; 1: goal → 500, 2: goal → 600, 3: goal → 700. -- 4th ed. -- Kirihara Shoten, 2017. | M科・植村真未先生推薦 |
2 | 21800381 | 聴竹居 : 日本人の理想の住まい = Chochikukyo : an ideal dwelling in Japan / 松隈章著. -- 平凡社, 2018. | A科・加嶋章博先生推薦 |
3 | 21800382 | 「聴竹居」実測図集 : 環境と共生する住宅 / 竹中工務店設計部編. -- 増補版. -- 彰国社, 2018. | A科・加嶋章博先生推薦 |
4 | 21800389 | 焼畑のむら : 昭和45年、四国山村の記録 / 福井勝義著. -- 福井勝義記念資料室, 2018. | L部・手代木功基先生推薦 |
5 | 21800469 | アクチュアリー試験合格へのストラテジー生保数理 / MAH, 西林信幸, 寺内辰也著. -- 東京図書, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
6 | 21800447 | 科学はなぜわかりにくいのか : 現代科学の方法論を理解する / 吉田伸夫著. -- 技術評論社, 2018. -- (知の扉シリーズ). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
7 | 92181050 | 実用数学技能検定記述式演習帳 : 数学検定 / 日本数学検定協会編 ; 準1級. -- 日本数学検定協会, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
8 | 21800450 | ヴァン・リント&ウィルソン組合せ論 / J.H.ヴァン・リント, R.M.ウィルソン著 ; 澤正憲, 萩田真理子訳 ; 上. -- 丸善出版, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
9 | 21800459 | 競技数学アスリートをめざそう : 国際数学オリンピックへの道標 / 野村建斗, 数理哲人共著 ; 1 - 4. -- 現代数学社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
10 | 21800446 | 今度こそわかるガロア理論 / 芳沢光雄著. -- 講談社, 2018. -- (今度こそわかるシリーズ). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
11 | 21800458 | 競技数学アスリートをめざそう : 国際数学オリンピックへの道標 / 野村建斗, 数理哲人共著 ; 1 - 4. -- 現代数学社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
12 | 21800461 | 競技数学アスリートをめざそう : 国際数学オリンピックへの道標 / 野村建斗, 数理哲人共著 ; 1 - 4. -- 現代数学社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
13 | 21800460 | 競技数学アスリートをめざそう : 国際数学オリンピックへの道標 / 野村建斗, 数理哲人共著 ; 1 - 4. -- 現代数学社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
14 | 21800468 | やさしい位相幾何学の話 / 横田一郎著 ; : 新装版. -- 現代数学社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
15 | 92181046 | 統計検定2級公式問題集 : 日本統計学会公式認定 / 日本統計学会出版企画委員会編 ; 統計質保証推進協会統計検定センター著 ; 2011-2013年 - 2015-2017年. -- 実務教育出版, 2014. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
16 | 92181045 | 統計検定1級・準1級公式問題集 : 日本統計学会公式認定 / 日本統計学会出版企画委員会編 ; 統計質保証推進協会統計検定センター著 ; 2014-2015年, 2016-2017年. -- 実務教育出版, 2016. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
17 | 21800454 | 一段深く理解する確率統計 / 古賀弘樹著. -- 森北出版, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
18 | 21800449 | ルンゲ・クッタで行こう! : 物理シミュレーションを基礎から学ぶ / 遠藤理平著. -- カットシステム, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
19 | 21800453 | 今度こそわかる重力理論 / 和田純夫著. -- 講談社, 2018. -- (今度こそわかるシリーズ). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
20 | 21800465 | 量子アニーリングの基礎 / 西森秀稔, 大関真之著. -- 共立出版, 2018. -- (基本法則から読み解く物理学最前線 ; 18). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
21 | 21800457 | 理工系の量子力学 / 掛下知行, 糟谷正, 中谷亮一著. -- 大阪大学出版会, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
22 | 21800455 | 工学系学生のための数学物理学演習 / 橋爪秀利著. -- 共立出版, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
23 | 21800452 | アインシュタインの物理学革命 : 理論はいかにして生まれたのか / 唐木田健一著. -- 日本評論社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
24 | 21800466 | 君もガリレオになる : 『新科学対話』(動力学):落下運動を図形幾何で解き明かす / 大島隆義著. -- はるかぜ書房, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
25 | 21800467 | ゆらぎと相転移 = Fluctuation & phase transition / 宮下精二著. -- 丸善出版, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
26 | 21800451 | 「宇宙のすべてを支配する数式」をパパに習ってみた : 天才物理学者・浪速阪教授の70分講義 / 橋本幸士著. -- 講談社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
27 | 21800456 | 素粒子論のランドスケープ / 大栗博司著 ; [1], 2. -- 数学書房, 2012. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
28 | 21800448 | 重力波物理の最前線 / 川村静児著. -- 共立出版, 2018. -- (基本法則から読み解く物理学最前線 ; 17). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
29 | 92181049 | 天文宇宙検定公式問題集 : 天文宇宙博士 : 1級 / 天文宇宙検定委員会編 ; 2012-2013年, 2014-2015年, 2016-2017年. -- 恒星社厚生閣, 2012. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
30 | 92181047 | 銀河博士 / 天文宇宙検定委員会編 ; 2011-2012年 - 2017-2018年版. -- 恒星社厚生閣, 2011. -- (天文宇宙検定公式テキスト ; 2級). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
31 | 92181048 | 星空博士 / 天文宇宙検定委員会編 ; 2011-2012年 - 2017-2018年版. -- 恒星社厚生閣, 2011. -- (天文宇宙検定公式テキスト ; 3級). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
32 | 21800462 | 英語でガイド!外国人がいちばん知りたい和食のお作法 / 上田敏子著. -- Jリサーチ出版, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
33 | 21800463 | 難訳・和英口語辞典 / 松本道弘著. -- さくら舎, 2017. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
34 | 21800464 | 難訳・和英「語感」辞典 / 松本道弘著. -- さくら舎, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
35 | 21800533 | 基礎から学ぶ物理学 : カラー入門 / 北林照幸, 藤城武彦, 滝内賢一著. -- 講談社, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
36 | 21800534 | 図解国際税務 / 望月文夫著 ; 平成20年版 - 平成30年度. -- 大蔵財務協会, 2008. | J部・小島俊朗先生推薦 |
37 | 21800776 | 量子力学 / 高木伸著 ; 1, 2. -- 丸善出版, 2018. | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
38 | 21800777 | 物理数学 : ベクトル解析・複素解析・フーリエ解析 / 三井敏之, 山崎了著. -- 日本評論社, 2018. -- (日評ベーシック・シリーズ). | C科・東武大先生推薦 |
39 | 21800807 | 図解国税通則法 / 黒坂昭一編 ; 平成13年版 - 平成30年版. -- 大蔵財務協会, 2001. | J部・小島俊朗先生推薦 |
40 | 92181233 | Marvel's the avengers / based on the screenplay by Joss Whedon ; story by Zak Penn and Joss Whedon ; retold by Jocelyn Potter. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 2). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
41 | 92181234 | Marvel's Captain America : civil war / based on the screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely ; retold by Coleen Degnan-Veness. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
42 | 92181235 | Marvel's Thor / based on the screenplay by Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz and Don Payne ; story by J. Michael Straczynski and Mark Protosevich ; retold by Karen Holmes. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
43 | 92181236 | Marvel's guardians of the galaxy / based on the screenplay by James Gunn and Nicole Perlman ; retold by Karen Holmes. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 4). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
44 | 92181378 | Robot of Sherwood / Mark Gatiss ; retold by Nancy Taylor. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; Level 2 . Doctor Who : BBC). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
45 | 92181379 | Flatline / Jamie Mathieson ; retold by David Maule. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3 . Doctor Who : BBC). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
46 | 92181380 | Mummy on the Orient Express / Jamie Mathieson ; retold by Jane Rollason. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3 . Doctor Who : BBC). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
47 | 92181748 | The girl who died / a story based on the original script by Jamie Mathieson and Steven Moffat ; retold by Jane Rollason. -- Pearson Education, 2009. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 2 . Doctor Who : BBC). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
48 | 92181749 | Face the raven / a story based on the original script by Sarah Dollard ; retold by Nancy Taylor. -- Pearson Education, 2009. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3 . Doctor Who : BBC). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
49 | 92181750 | The woman who lived / a story based on the original script by Catherine Tregenna ; retold by Chris Rice. -- Pearson Education, 2009. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3 . Doctor Who : BBC). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
50 | 21702861 | 新移民時代 : 外国人労働者と共に生きる社会へ / 西日本新聞社編. -- 明石書店, 2017. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
51 | 92181782 | いろは : 英語で学ぶ日本語入門 / 大知春華, 菊池富美子, 東郷美香著. -- アスク出版, 2017. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
52 | 92181776 | 日本語教育能力検定試験分野別用語集 : 日本語教育能力検定試験学習書 / ヒューマンアカデミー著. -- 翔泳社, 2018. -- (日本語教育教科書). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
53 | 92181773 | 日本語能力試験20日で合格N2文字・語彙・文法 : 20日間の集中トレーニング / 国書日本語学校著. -- 改訂版. -- 国書刊行会, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
54 | 92181778 | 日本語教育能力検定試験合格するための本 ; 平成21年度 - 平成30年度. -- アルク, 2005. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
55 | 92181774 | 日本語N2文法・読解まるごとマスター : 英語・中国語・ベトナム語対訳付き / 水谷信子監修・著 ; 森本智子, 黒岩しづ可, 青木幸子共著. -- Jリサーチ出版, 2018. -- (日本語能力試験・日本留学試験読解対策シリーズ). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
56 | 92181779 | 日本語能力試験N2聴解必修パターン : パターンを押さえて、解き方まるわかり / 氏原庸子, 清島千春, 佐伯玲子共著. -- Jリサーチ出版, 2017. -- (日本語能力試験必修パターンシリーズ). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
57 | 92171270 | ことばのしくみを知る / 坂本勝信, 手嶋千佳編 ; 坂本正 [ほか] 著. -- 凡人社, 2017. -- (日本語教育への道しるべ / 坂本正, 川崎直子, 石沢徹監修 ; 第2巻). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
58 | 92171271 | ことばの教え方を知る / 近藤有美, 水野愛子編 ; 近藤有美 [ほか] 著. -- 凡人社, 2017. -- (日本語教育への道しるべ / 坂本正, 川崎直子, 石沢徹監修 ; 第3巻). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
59 | 92181780 | 日本で生活する外国人のためのいろんな書類の書き方 / 岩田一成編著. -- アスク出版, 2017. -- (にほんご宝箱). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
60 | 92181775 | 留学生のための時代を読み解く上級日本語 / 宮原彬編著. -- 第3版. -- スリーエーネットワーク, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
61 | 92181781 | 聴解タスク25 / 牧野昭子, 田中よね, 北川逸子著 ; 初級1, 初級2. -- 第2版. -- スリーエーネットワーク, 2017. -- (みんなの日本語 / スリーエーネットワーク編著 ; 初級 1-2). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
62 | 21800952 | 関西弁事典 / 真田信治監修. -- ひつじ書房, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
63 | 21800934 | ひとりで読むことからピア・リーディングへ : 日本語学習者の読解過程と対話的協働学習 / 舘岡洋子著. -- 東海大学出版会, 2005. | 国際交・藤原京佳先生推薦 |
64 | 92181860 | Big! / [written by Paul Shipton ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1, fiction . Pre-book band ; lilac). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
65 | 92181861 | As big as me! / Suzannah Beddoes. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1, non-fiction . Pre-book band ; lilac). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
66 | 92181862 | Tin can tracks / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1, fiction . Pre-book band ; lilac). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
67 | 92181863 | Animal tracks / Karra McFarlane. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1, non-fiction . Pre-book band ; lilac). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
68 | 92181864 | In the sun / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1, fiction . Pre-book band ; lilac). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
69 | 92181865 | Sun hat, sunscreet, sun! / Teresa Heapy. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1, non-fiction . Pre-book band ; lilac). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
70 | 92181866 | A top pot / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1+, fiction . Book band 1 ; pink). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
71 | 92181867 | Spot the pot / Catherine Baker. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1+, non-fiction . Book band 1 ; pink). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
72 | 92181868 | A picnic at sunset / [written by Paul Shipton ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1+, fiction . Book band 1 ; pink). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
73 | 92181869 | At sunset / Becca Heddle. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1+, non-fiction . Book band 1 ; pink). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
74 | 92181870 | Kite in the wind / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1+, fiction ; Book band 1 ; pink). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
75 | 92181871 | In the wind / Catherine Baker. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 1+, non-fiction . Book band 1 ; pink). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
76 | 92181872 | The big picnic / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 2, fiction . Book band 2 ; red). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
77 | 92181873 | Grow me a picnic / Suzannah Beddoes. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 2, non-fiction . Book band 2 ; red). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
78 | 92181874 | A den in the wood / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 2, fiction . Book band 2 ; red). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
79 | 92181875 | Dens and nests / Anna Harris. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 2, non-fiction . Book band 2 ; red). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
80 | 92181876 | Cards for gran / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 2, fiction . Book band 2 ; red). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
81 | 92181877 | Frog cards / Catherine Baker. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 2, non-fiction . Book band 2 ; red). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
82 | 92181878 | Home for a night / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 3, fiction . Book band 3 ; yellow). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
83 | 92181879 | The right home / Becca Heddle. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 3, non-fiction . Book band 3 ; yellow). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
84 | 92181880 | Is that rain? / [written by Paul Shipton ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 3, fiction . Book band 3 ; yellow). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
85 | 92181881 | Rain! / Becca Heddle. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 3, non-fiction . Book band 3 ; yellow). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
86 | 92181882 | Pumpkin mess / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 3, fiction . Book band 3 ; yellow). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
87 | 92181883 | Grow a strawberry mess / Catherine Baker. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 3, non-fiction . Book band 3 ; yellow). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
88 | 92181884 | The mosaic trail / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 4, fiction . Book band 4 ; blue). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
89 | 92181885 | Mosaic art / Teresa Heapy. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 4, non-fiction . Book band 4 ; blue). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
90 | 92181886 | The stinky plant / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 4, fiction . Book band 4 ; blue). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
91 | 92181887 | Plants for dinner / Becca Heddle. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 4, non-fiction . Book band 4 ; blue). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
92 | 92181888 | A dress for Biff / [written by Paul Shipton ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 4, fiction . Book band 4 ; blue). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
93 | 92181889 | Dressing up / Teresa Heapy. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 4, non-fiction . Book band 4 ; blue). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
94 | 92181890 | Camel-back mountain / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 5, fiction . Book band 5 ; green). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
95 | 92181891 | Highest mountain, deepest canyon / Kate Scott. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 5, non-fiction . Book band 5 ; green). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
96 | 92181892 | The treasure map / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 5, fiction . Book band 5 ; green). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
97 | 92181893 | Map, compass, explore! / Catherine Baker. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 5, non-fiction . Book band 5 ; green). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
98 | 92181894 | The strange beast / [written by Paul Shipton ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 5, fiction . Book band 5 ; green). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
99 | 92181895 | Beast feasts / Anita Ganeri. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 5, non-fiction . Book band 5 ; green). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
100 | 92181896 | Grub up / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 6, fiction . Book band 6 ; orange). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
101 | 92181901 | Faster, faster! / Rob Alcraft. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 6, non-fiction . Book band 6 ; orange). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
102 | 92181897 | Minibeasts matter! / Claire Llewellyn. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 6, non-fiction . Book band 6 ; orange). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
103 | 92181898 | Seeing in the dark / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 6, fiction . Book band 6 ; orange). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
104 | 92181899 | Super senses / Anita Ganeri. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 6, non-fiction . Book band 6 ; orange). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
105 | 92181900 | The steam train / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 6, fiction . Book band 6 ; orange). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
106 | 92181902 | A mammoth task / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 7, fiction . Book band 7 ; turquoise). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
107 | 92181903 | Extinct giants / Hawys Morgan. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 7, non-fiction . Book band 7 ; turquoise). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
108 | 92181904 | The lightning key / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 7, fiction . Book band 7 ; turquoise). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
109 | 92181905 | Safe in a storm / James Carter. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 7, fiction . Book band 7 ; turquoise). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
110 | 92181906 | Survival in the Arctic / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 7, fiction . Book band 7 ; turquoise). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
111 | 92181907 | What do we need to survive? / Isabel Thomas. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 7, non-fiction . Book band 7 ; turquoise). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
112 | 92181908 | The urgent message / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 8, fiction . Book band 8 ; purple). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
113 | 92181909 | Smoke signals to smartphones / Becca Heddle. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 8, non-fiction . Book band 8 ; purple). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
114 | 92181910 | Meeting Mozart / [written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 8, fiction . Book band 8 ; purple). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
115 | 92181911 | Meet a genius / Rob Alcraft. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 8, non-fiction . Book band 8 ; purple). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
116 | 92181912 | At the monster games / [written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta]. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 8, fiction . Book band 8 ; purple). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
117 | 92181913 | Animal superpowers / Isabel Thomas. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 8, non-fiction . Book band 8 ; purple). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
118 | 92181914 | Sculptures for the emperor / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 9, fiction . Book band 9 ; gold). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
119 | 92181915 | Stone sculptures to frozen figures / Hawys Morgan. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 9, non-fiction . Book band 9 ; gold). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
120 | 92181916 | Wake up! / written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 9, fiction . Book band 9 ; gold). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
121 | 92181917 | Sleep / Claire Llewellyn. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 9, non-fiction . Book band 9 ; gold). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
122 | 92181918 | Turtle beach / written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon ; based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 9, fiction . Book band 9 ; gold). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
123 | 92181919 | Rock pool to rainforest / Anita Ganeri. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- (Oxford reading tree . Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper / series created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta ; Level 9, non-fiction . Book band 9 ; gold). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
124 | 92181944 | Age of Ultron / Joss Whedon ; retold by Kathy Burke. -- Pearson Education, 2018. -- (Pearson English readers ; level 3 . Marvel's Avengers). | L部・松田早恵先生推薦 |
125 | 92181935 | 外国人の介護国試合格book / 田村敦子著. -- テコム出版事業部, 2017. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
126 | 92181934 | 外国人のための会話で学ぼう!介護の日本語 : 指示がわかる、報告ができる / 国際交流&日本語支援Y編著. -- 中央法規出版, 2017. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
127 | 92181936 | 移民の子どもと学校 : 統合を支える教育政策 / OECD編著 ; 三浦綾希子, 大西公恵, 藤浪海訳. -- 明石書店, 2017. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
128 | 92181928 | 留学生のための就職内定ワークブック / 久保田学著. -- 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
129 | 92181930 | 留学生のサバイバル日本語 / 徳本浩子, 山本裕子, 鈴木かおり著 ; 1, 2. -- 早美出版社, 2017. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
130 | 92181929 | 日本語教育能力検定試験試験問題 / 日本国際教育協会著作・編 ; 平成3年度 - 平成29年度. -- 凡人社, 1992. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
131 | 92181927 | いちばんやさしい日本語教育入門 = Easiest introductory Japanese teacher's manual / 今井新悟 [著]. -- アスク出版, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
132 | 92181923 | 課題達成のプロセスで学ぶビジネスコミュニケーション / 近藤彩 [ほか] 著. -- 改訂新版. -- ココ出版, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
133 | 92181932 | ことばのまなび手を知る / 鳰貴子, 松本恭子編 ; エバニチ堀越厚子 [ほか] 著. -- 凡人社, 2017. -- (日本語教育への道しるべ / 坂本正, 川崎直子, 石澤徹監修 ; 第1巻). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
134 | 92181933 | ことばのみかたを知る / 中浜優子, 花城可武編 ; 坂本正 [ほか] 著. -- 凡人社, 2017. -- (日本語教育への道しるべ / 坂本正, 川崎直子, 石澤徹監修 ; 第4巻). | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
135 | 92181925 | 伸ばす!就活能力・ビジネス日本語力 : 日本で働くための「4つの能力」養成ワークブック / 長沼スクール東京日本語学校編 ; 植木香, 木下由紀子, 藤井美音子著. -- 国書刊行会, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
136 | 92181931 | コミュニケーション能力を伸ばす授業づくり : 日本語教師のための語用論的指導の手引き / 清水崇文著. -- スリーエーネットワーク, 2018. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |
137 | 92181926 | しごとの日本語 / 奥村真希, 釜渕優子著 ; 電話応対基礎編 - 会話編. -- アルク, 2007. | L部・門脇薫先生推薦 |