No. |
請求記号 |
書名 |
和洋区分 |
1 | 220 | The Journal of Asian studies | 洋 |
2 | 224 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde | 洋 |
3 | 310 | Perspectives on politics | 洋 |
4 | 311 | Australian journal of political science | 洋 |
5 | 319 | The Pacific review | 洋 |
6 | 320 | California law review | 洋 |
7 | 320 | Stanford law review | 洋 |
8 | 321 | Legal studies | 洋 |
9 | 323.993 | Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt | 洋 |
10 | 324 | IPrax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts | 洋 |
11 | 324 | Revue trimestrielle de droit civil | 洋 |
12 | 325.2 | Zeitschrift fur Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht | 洋 |
13 | 326 | KTS : Zeitschrift fur Insolvenzrecht : Konkurs, Treuhand, Sanierung | 洋 |
14 | 327.9 | ZZP : Zeitschrift fur Zivilprozes | 洋 |
15 | 329.8 | Revue critique de droit international prive | 洋 |
16 | 330 | Accounting perspectives | 洋 |
17 | 330 | AEA papers and proceedings | 洋 |
18 | 330 | Evolutionary and institutional economics review | 洋 |
19 | 330 | The journal of real estate portfolio management | 洋 |
20 | 330 | The journal of real estate research : JRER | 洋 |
21 | 331.87 | The journal of consumer research : an interdisciplinary journal | 洋 |
22 | 340 | International tax and public finance | 洋 |
23 | 345 | National tax journal | 洋 |
24 | 361 | The American journal of sociology | 洋 |
25 | 361.1 | Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | 洋 |
26 | 366.14 | Soziales Recht : SR | 洋 |
27 | 469.05 | American anthropologist | 洋 |
28 | 519.8 | Journal of the American Planning Association | 洋 |
29 | 520.28 | Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians | 洋 |
30 | 520.55 | L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui | 洋 |
31 | 545.05 | Journal of science and technology in lighting | 洋 |
32 | 800 | Functions of language | 洋 |
33 | 800 | Journal of second language writing | 洋 |
34 | 800 | Visible language | 洋 |
35 | 801 | The international journal of bilingualism | 洋 |
36 | 807 | Language learning | 洋 |
37 | 807 | Studies in second language acquisition | 洋 |
38 | 830.7 | TESOL quarterly | 洋 |
39 | 302.2 | アジア研究 | 和 |
40 | 310 | 政治思想研究 | 和 |
41 | 322 | 法制史研究 | 和 |
42 | 327.123 | ケース研究 | 和 |
43 | 520.5 | 近代建築 | 和 |
44 | 520.5 | 新建築 | 和 |