No. |
請求記号 |
書名 |
和洋区分 |
1 | 100 | Archives de philosophie | 洋 |
2 | 110 | Heidegger studies | 洋 |
3 | 130 | Hobbes studies | 洋 |
4 | 149.053 | Human factors : the journal of the Human Factors Society | 洋 |
5 | 220 | The Journal of Asian studies | 洋 |
6 | 222 | 语言研究 | 洋 |
7 | 299.102 | The Journal of Pacific history | 洋 |
8 | 300 | American studies | 洋 |
9 | 310 | Perspectives on politics | 洋 |
10 | 311 | American journal of political science | 洋 |
11 | 311 | Comparative politics | 洋 |
12 | 312 | Foreign affairs | 洋 |
13 | 312.53 | American political science review | 洋 |
14 | 312.53 | PS, political science & politics | 洋 |
15 | 319 | International affairs | 洋 |
16 | 319 | The Pacific review | 洋 |
17 | 320 | California law review | 洋 |
18 | 320 | Juristische Ausbildung | 洋 |
19 | 320 | Juristische Rundschau | 洋 |
20 | 320 | The modern law review | 洋 |
21 | 320 | Recueil Dalloz | 洋 |
22 | 320 | La semaine juridique. Edition generale | 洋 |
23 | 320 | Stanford law review | 洋 |
24 | 320.5 | Harvard law review | 洋 |
25 | 321 | Juristenzeitung | 洋 |
26 | 322 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung | 洋 |
27 | 322 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung | 洋 |
28 | 322 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung | 洋 |
29 | 322.3 | Rechtsgeschichte : Rg | 洋 |
30 | 322.3 | Zeitschrift fur neuere Rechtsgeschichte : ZNR | 洋 |
31 | 322.34 | Geschichte und Gesellschaft | 洋 |
32 | 322.934 | Zeitschrift fur schweizerisches Recht. Neue Folge. 1. Halbband | 洋 |
33 | 323.993 | Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt | 洋 |
34 | 324 | Finanzierung, Leasing, Factoring : FLF | 洋 |
35 | 324 | IPrax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts | 洋 |
36 | 324 | Rabels Zeitschrift fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht | 洋 |
37 | 325 | Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht | 洋 |
38 | 325.2 | Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht : ZInsO | 洋 |
39 | 325.2 | Zeitschrift fur Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht | 洋 |
40 | 325.953 | Der Betrieb | 洋 |
41 | 326 | Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht | 洋 |
42 | 326 | Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft | 洋 |
43 | 329 | Journal du droit international | 洋 |
44 | 329.8 | Revue critique de droit international prive | 洋 |
45 | 330 | Accounting perspectives | 洋 |
46 | 330 | The American economic review. Insights | 洋 |
47 | 330 | Contemporary accounting research | 洋 |
48 | 330 | Health economics | 洋 |
49 | 330 | Journal of business venturing | 洋 |
50 | 330 | Journal of health economics | 洋 |
51 | 330 | The Journal of real estate finance and economics | 洋 |
52 | 330 | The journal of real estate research : JRER | 洋 |
53 | 330 | Journal of urban economics | 洋 |
54 | 330 | Metroeconomica | 洋 |
55 | 330 | Quantitative economics : journal of the Econometric Society | 洋 |
56 | 330 | The Rand journal of economics | 洋 |
57 | 330 | Review of accounting studies | 洋 |
58 | 330 | The review of asset pricing studies | 洋 |
59 | 330 | The review of corporate finance studies | 洋 |
60 | 330 | Theoretical economics | 洋 |
61 | 330.5 | The Japanese economic review | 洋 |
62 | 330.5 | The review of economic studies | 洋 |
63 | 330.53 | Econometrica | 洋 |
64 | 331 | International economic review | 洋 |
65 | 331 | Journal of applied econometrics | 洋 |
66 | 331 | The quarterly journal of economics | 洋 |
67 | 331.19 | The Review of economics and statistics | 洋 |
68 | 331.87 | The journal of consumer research | 洋 |
69 | 332.505 | American economic journal. Applied economics | 洋 |
70 | 332.505 | American economic journal. Economic policy | 洋 |
71 | 332.505 | American economic journal. Macroeconomics | 洋 |
72 | 332.505 | American economic journal. Microeconomics | 洋 |
73 | 332.505 | The American economic review | 洋 |
74 | 332.505 | Journal of economic literature | 洋 |
75 | 332.505 | The Journal of economic perspectives | 洋 |
76 | 334 | International journal of industrial organization | 洋 |
77 | 334 | International migration review | 洋 |
78 | 336.05 | The Academy of Management journal | 洋 |
79 | 336.053 | Harvard business review | 洋 |
80 | 336.9 | Accounting horizons | 洋 |
81 | 336.9 | Journal of accounting & economics | 洋 |
82 | 336.905 | The accounting review | 洋 |
83 | 336.905 | Journal of accounting research | 洋 |
84 | 338 | The review of financial studies | 洋 |
85 | 340 | International tax and public finance | 洋 |
86 | 340.53 | The journal of finance | 洋 |
87 | 345 | National tax journal | 洋 |
88 | 361 | The American journal of sociology | 洋 |
89 | 361 | American sociological review | 洋 |
90 | 361.1 | Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | 洋 |
91 | 366.14 | Arbeit und Recht : Zeitschrift fur Arbeitsrechtspraxis | 洋 |
92 | 367.2 | Signs | 洋 |
93 | 368.6 | Crime and delinquency | 洋 |
94 | 370.5 | American journal of education | 洋 |
95 | 371.3 | Sociology of education | 洋 |
96 | 380 | American ethnologist | 洋 |
97 | 380 | Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | 洋 |
98 | 469.05 | American anthropologist | 洋 |
99 | 510.53 | Journal of cold regions engineering | 洋 |
100 | 511.705 | ACI materials journal | 洋 |
101 | 519.8 | Journal of the American Planning Association | 洋 |
102 | 519.805 | Town and country planning | 洋 |
103 | 519.805 | Urbanisme | 洋 |
104 | 520.28 | Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians | 洋 |
105 | 520.53 | Architectural record | 洋 |
106 | 520.53 | The architectural review | 洋 |
107 | 520.54 | Werk, Bauen + Wohnen | 洋 |
108 | 528.2 | Indoor air | 洋 |
109 | 560 | Oil and gas journal | 洋 |
110 | 629.053 | Landscape architecture | 洋 |
111 | 680 | Australian traveller : honestly Australian | 洋 |
112 | 770 | Drama | 洋 |
113 | 801 | The international journal of bilingualism | 洋 |
114 | 801 | Journal of linguistics | 洋 |
115 | 807 | Language learning | 洋 |
116 | 820 | 中國語文 | 洋 |
117 | 820 | Dewan budaya | 洋 |
118 | 820 | Dewan masyarakat | 洋 |
119 | 820 | Jurnal dewan bahasa | 洋 |
120 | 820.7 | 语言研究 | 洋 |
121 | 821.2 | 世界漢語教学 | 洋 |
122 | 827.05 | 汉语学习 | 洋 |
123 | 830 | English world-wide : a journal of varieties of English | 洋 |
124 | 830 | Language teaching | 洋 |
125 | 830.7 | ELT journal | 洋 |
126 | 830.7 | TESOL quarterly | 洋 |
127 | 930 | Leviathan : a journal of Melville studies | 洋 |
128 | 932.05 | The Shakespeare quarterly | 洋 |