
Recent publications

・Kudo H, Matsuo M, Satoh S, Hata T, Hachisu R, Nakamura M, Yamamoto Y. Y, Kimura H, Matsui M, Obokata J
 Cryptic promoter activation occurs by at least two different mechanisms in the Arabidopsis genome.
 Plant J. 2021 Oct;108(1):29-39. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15420. PMID: 34252235

・Hata T, Takada N, Hayakawa C, Kazama M, Uchikoba T, Tachikawa M, Matsuo M, Satoh S, Obokata J.
 De novo activated transcription of inserted foreign coding sequences is inheritable in the plant genome.
 PLoS One. 2021 Jun 10;16(6):e0252674. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252674. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34111139

・Hata T, Satoh S, Takada N, Matsuo M, Obokata J.
 Kozak Sequence Acts as a Negative Regulator for De Novo Transcription Initiation of Newborn Coding Sequences in the Plant Genome.
 Mol Biol Evol. 2021 Jun 25;38(7):2791-2803. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab069. PMID: 33705557

・Maeda T, Takahashi S, Yoshida T, Shimamura S, Takaki Y, Nagai Y, Toyoda A, Suzuki Y, Arimoto A, Ishii H, Satoh N, Nishiyama T, Hasebe M, Maruyama T,
 Minagawa J, Obokata J, Shigenobu S.

 Chloroplast acquisition without the gene transfer in kleptoplastic sea slugs, Plakobranchus ocellatus.
 Elife. 2021 Apr 27;10:e60176. doi: 10.7554/eLife.60176. PMID: 33902812

・Hata T, Mukae K, Satoh S, Matsuo M, Obokata J.
 Preculture in an enriched nutrient medium greatly enhances the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency in Arabidopsis T87 cultured cells.
 Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo). 2021 Mar 25;38(1):179-182. doi: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.20.1211b. PMID: 34177340

・Satoh S, Hata T, Takada N, Tachikawa M, Matsuo M, Kushnir S and Obokata J.
 Plant genome response to incoming coding sequences: stochastic transcriptional activation independent of integration loci.
 bioRxiv 2020.11.28.401992; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.28.401992

・Matsuo M, Katahata A, Tachikawa M, Minakuchi Y, Noguchi H, TYoyoda A, Suzuki Y, Hata T, Satoh S, Nakayama T, Kamikawa R, Nomura M, Inagaki Y,
 Ishida K and Obokata J.

 Large DNA virus promoted the endosymbiotic evolution to make a photosynthetic eukaryote.
 bioRxiv 2019; 809541; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/809541

・Matsuo M, Katahata A, Satoh S, Matsuzaki M, Nomura M, Ishida KI, Inagaki Y, Obokata J.
 Characterization of spliced leader trans-splicing in a photosynthetic rhizarian amoeba, Paulinella micropora, and its possible role in functional gene transfer.
 PLoS One. 2018 Jul 19;13(7):e0200961. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200961. eCollection 2018.

・Vahabi K, Reichelt M, Scholz SS, Furch ACU, Matsuo M, Johnson JM, Sherameti I, Gershenzon J, Oelmüller R.
 Alternaria Brassicae Induces Systemic Jasmonate Responses in Arabidopsis Which Travel to Neighboring Plants via a Piriformsopora Indica Hyphal Network and Activate
 Abscisic Acid Responses.
 Front Plant Sci. 2018 May 8;9:626. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00626. eCollection 2018. PMID: 29868082

・Hieno A, Matsuo M, Oelmueller R, Yamamoto Y.Y.
 Prediction of direct targets of Arabidopsis RRTF1, a H2O2 responsive AP2/ERF transcription factor whichmediates multiple stress responses.
 Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 2017; 28, 1,9–13

・Babiychuk, E., Hoang, K.T., Vandepoele, K., V D Slijke, E., Geelen, D., De Jaeger, G., Obokata, J. and Kushnir, S.
 The mutation nrpb1-A325V in the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II suppresses compromised growth of Arabidopsis plants deficient
 in a function of the general transcription factor IIF.
 Plant J. 2017; 89(4):730-745. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13417.

・Kunugi, M., Satoh, S., Ihara, K., Shibata, K., Yamagishi, Y., Kogame, K., Obokata, J., Takabayashi, A. and Tanaka, A.
 Evolution of Green Plants Accompanied Changes in Light-Harvesting Systems.
 Plant Cell Physiol 2016; 52: 333-343

・Matsuo M, Oelmüller R.
 REDOX RESPONSIVE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR1 is involved in age-dependent and systemic stress signaling.
 Plant Signal Behav. 2015;10(11):e1051279. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1051279. PMID: 26479402

・Matsuo M, Johnson JM, Hieno A, Tokizawa M, Nomoto M, Tada Y, Godfrey R, Obokata J, Sherameti I, Yamamoto YY, Böhmer FD, Oelmüller R.
 High REDOX RESPONSIVE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR1 Levels Result in Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Arabidopsis thaliana Shoots and Roots.
 Mol Plant. 2015 Aug;8(8):1253-73. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2015.03.011. Epub 2015 Apr 13. PMID: 25882345

・Yagi, Y., Tachikawa, M., Noguchi, H., Satoh, S., Obokata, J. and Nakamura, T.
 Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins involved in plant organellar RNA editing
 RNA Biol 2013; 10:1419-1425

・Hieno, A., Naznin, A., Hyakumachi, M., Sakurai, T., Tokizawa, M., Koyama, H., Sato, N., Nishiyama, T., Hasebe, M., Zimmer, A.D., Lang, D., Reski, R., Rensing, S.,
 Obokata, J. and Yamamoto, Y.Y. 

 ppdb: Plant Promoter Database ver. 3.0 
 Nucleic Acids Res 2013; 42:D1188–D1192

・Yamamoto, Y.Y., Yoshioka, Y., Hyakumachi, M. and Obokata,J.
 Characteristics of core promoter types with respect to gene structure and expression in Arabidopsis thaliana.
 DNA Res 2011; 18:333-345

・Matsuo M, Hachisu R, Tabata S, Fukuzawa H, Obokata J.
 Transcriptome analysis of respiration-responsive genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: mitochondrial retrograde signaling coordinates the genes for cell proliferation
 with energy-producing metabolism.
 Plant Cell Physiol. 2011 Feb;52(2):333-43. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcq192. Epub 2010 Dec 11. PMID: 21149298