POINT 01 チーム基盤型学習
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has adopted team-based learning (TBL), which is a class in which teams of four to six students work together to tackle problems that cannot be solved alone.
As we compete with other teams and teach each other, every student who participates grows.
It also enhances the human ability to play an active role in the medical team.
It is a learning method that solves the problems of conventional "one-way" lectures, such as "I can't ask questions casually in the classroom" and "I can't learn because I don't use my knowledge."
POINT 02 少人数能力別クラス
Compared to high school, university classes are more voluminous and fast. I think there are many people who are worried about whether they will be able to keep up with the classes after enrollment.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers small-group ability-based classes in most of the specialized courses offered in the first and second years, where young faculty members and senior students talk to you and provide individual guidance on the subjects you are not good at.
Rather than cramming knowledge, we establish an active learning style by drawing out interest and interest.
When you notice "why?", you want to look for "I see".
Ability-based classes emphasize dialogue and support learning by preparing study prescriptions tailored to each student.
POINT 03 地域連携
また、薬用植物園/Botanical Gardenでは、春と秋に一般公開見学会を開催し、薬用植物に関する情報を提供しています。
We participate in events organized by local medical organizations and cultural festivals of local governments, and exhibit specimens of medicinal plants and taste health teas.
The Medicinal Botanical Garden also organizes public tours in spring and autumn to provide information about medicinal plants.
For children, we also offer experiences such as making accessories using dried flowers of plants grown in the Medicinal Botanical Garden.
POINT 04 防災教育
We conduct disaster prevention drills in the event of a large-scale disaster. We conducted statutory training and evacuation center management drills in which each training participant was given a role.
In addition, in cooperation with the Faculty of Nursing, we also incorporated rescue and relief activity training to observe, judge, respond, take action, and report on the health status of disaster victims.
Through training, problems are identified. We aim to acquire the ability to respond to disasters.
POINT 05 薬学臨床実習
The six-year education in pharmacy requires the development of pharmacists who have acquired a high level of practical skills in clinical practice. The place to hone this ability is the clinical training in pharmacy from February of the fourth year.
In the clinical pharmacy training conducted at hospitals and pharmacies for two and a half months each, students deepen their knowledge of drugs through various tasks and acquire various skills.
In addition, by actually working with doctors and nurses, students will learn a sense of responsibility as a member of a team medical care team and an attitude toward dealing with patients.
In order to become a pharmacist in the six-year School of Pharmacy, students must study for at least one month as a preliminary study so that they can apply the knowledge of pharmacy acquired up to the fourth year to clinical practice.
After that, it is essential to pass the Common Pharmacy Examination (CBT and OSCE) and undergo two and a half months of practical training at a hospital and pharmacy to learn about the relationship of pharmacists with actual patients.
In hospital practical training (practical training in the ward), students participate in conferences with doctors under the guidance of the pharmacist in charge of the ward, and acquire the ability to propose and evaluate safe and effective drug therapies for typical diseases (cancer, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, neuropsychiatric disease, immunological and allergic diseases, and infectious diseases).
In pharmacy training (practical training at home medical care sites), in order to contribute to the provision of appropriate drug therapy to patients who need medical treatment at their usual homes, we actually go to the patient's home and listen carefully to what the patient has to say.
By doing so, we provide support for drug management and medication administration for problems related to medicine, and provide guidance such as drug storage and checking for remaining medicines.
■ 国家公務員共済組合連合会 枚方公済病院
■ 独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構 星ケ丘医療センター
■ 関西医科大学附属病院
■ 国立病院機構グループ
■ 枚方市薬剤師会所属薬局
薬学部では、1年次から看護学部/Faculty of Nursingとの専門職連携教育(IPE:Interprofessional Education)を実施しています。
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences conducts interprofessional education (IPE) with the Faculty of Nursing from the first year.
In the medical field, it is important to collaborate with professionals other than pharmacists (doctors, nurses, etc.) (team medicine). Students can experience this team medical care from the first year, starting with mutual understanding, and learning about each other's roles in clinical settings, the importance of collaboration, and specific proposals for collaboration.
For example, in the fourth year, students develop the ability to share patients' conditions and treatment problems from their medical records and derive solutions through discussion.
By thinking about drug treatment and patient care using actual medical records together with nursing students, you can gain a practical understanding of the positions and opinions of other professionals regarding treatment and deepen your understanding of team medicine.
Examples of main issues: Joint discussion on palliative care and home and community medical care / Joint class on patient safety and provision of high-quality medical care / Joint class on communication with patients and consumers / Joint practical training between the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Nursing in a clinical setting.
Through classroom lectures in which pharmacists who are active in the medical field, etc., and self-improvement and participatory learning such as educational experiences and participation in academic conferences are conducted, students acquire the ethics, sense of mission, and vocational perspective required of pharmacists, as well as develop problem-solving skills.
Pharmacists are active in a wide range of places, including medical institutions, research institutes, manufacturers, and governments. We offer a variety of career development courses, including first-year startup seminars, to acquire knowledge and skills (attitudes) other than pharmacy required of pharmacists.
Students will prepare for future practice by learning a wide range of subjects such as relationships with patients and various professionals, foreign languages from the perspective of global communication, and pharmaceutical affairs and public health administration.
In the second semester of the fourth year, with the aim of raising awareness of the position of graduates of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in society as a whole, we invite people from various fields active not only in the pharmaceutical industry but also in other industries (mass communication, telecommunications, sports, etc.) to come and hold panel discussions and group discussions with students.
In the fifth and sixth years, we have established groups of hospital applicants, civil servants, and pharmaceutical and other company aspirants, and each group provides detailed guidance on trends in each industry, self-analysis, and preparation for employment exams.
The Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Nursing are developing collaborative education with Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd.
There is a method called "cosmetic therapy" that aims to improve daily living activities (feelings, cognition, physical exercise, oral function) by applying makeup.
We will use this technology not only to prevent dementia and improve activities of daily living among the elderly, but also to improve the quality of life of mothers raising children in the community.
At the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, students learn how to implement cosmetic therapy in career courses, and together with Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd., they are developing makeup classes for the elderly in Hirakata City.
This initiative is aimed at preventing illness and maintaining health, and is a class that is not found at other universities.
In addition to learning about the history of aromatherapy, the extraction method and effects of essential oils, you will learn about clinical aromatherapy, which is one of the complementary and alternative therapies practiced to alleviate the pain of patients.
In addition, we will consider the possibility of aromatherapy as a role that pharmacists play in palliative care, home medical care, and self-medication.
As familiar aroma usages, you will also develop communication skills while learning how to make sprays and soaps, and simple massages using aromatic oils.
Health support pharmacies in community-based comprehensive care are required to provide a wider and more active support for health, and this career course is a practical lecture to consider the role of pharmacists.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has teamed up with Kansai Medical University and Osaka Dental University to conduct research and development of new drugs. For example, the protein "integrin" is related to cancer, inflammatory diseases, and allergic diseases, and recent studies have shown that it is also involved in iPS cell differentiation.
We focused on the relationship between integrins and cancer, and found small molecules that control the function of integrins.
By scientifically elucidating how these small molecules act on integrins, we are trying to create a completely new type of anticancer drug that has never existed before.
The basic subjects studied at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences are indispensable for elucidating the reasons and mechanisms of how small molecules and proteins interact with each other, as shown in the photo.
At the School of Pharmacy, you will be exposed to many realizations and discoveries.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences' Global Education conducts overseas training to expand the opportunities for pharmacists to be active not only in Japan but also around the world. In the overseas training for the lower grades, students visit medical facilities and traditional medicine markets in Asian countries [e.g., Vietnam (FY2018)] to learn about the current state of medical care in emerging countries.
Senior students visit the School of Pharmacy at an American university [e.g., University of North Carolina (2019)] and discuss drug treatment for several simulated cases in English with a local pharmacist.
Through the training, students learn that although healthcare professionals aim to improve people's quality of life (QOL) in each country, there are slight differences in treatment policies and drug selections, as well as significant differences in people's lifestyles and health insurance in each country.
In addition, students will cultivate international communication skills through exchange meetings with foreign pharmacy students and graduates of TUFS who are active overseas, and question-and-answer sessions at lectures by lecturers from overseas universities.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers sixth-year students a unique program for the National Pharmaceutical Examination in parallel with specialized subjects such as pharmaceutical research and seminars in general pharmacy.
In the first semester, students will focus on reviewing basic subjects in physics, chemistry, and biology.
In the second semester, lectures on preparation for national examinations are conducted by external lecturers.
In addition, students regularly take original tests prepared by our faculty members and nationwide mock exams to confirm their own learning achievements while proceeding with their studies.
In this way, the Faculty of Pharmacy provides full educational support for all students to pass the national examination.
In recent years, self-improvement and lifelong learning have been attracting attention for the purpose of improving the level of pharmacists.
In response to these needs, the university supports learning after obtaining a pharmacist qualification.
We regularly hold open lectures by inviting leading researchers and practitioners who are active on the front lines as lecturers.
Many graduates have been recognized as Japan Pharmacist Training Center Training Center Training Certified Pharmacists.
They are also certified as professional pharmacists and lifelong learning credits.
We are holding two series of courses this year as well, and we look forward to your participation.
薬学研究科 医療薬学専攻【博士課程】
In order to develop human resources who can play an active role in a wide range of medical fields, this graduate school, which is based on a six-year undergraduate program, provides practical activities in clinical settings as well as academic knowledge and research related to the specialized field. We are developing an education that allows students to systematically acquire skills and abilities that can contribute to pharmaceutical education as instructors.
This year, we will hold a total of 12 seminars by 12 external lecturers.
■ ニューヨーク州立大学オールバニ校
■ 兵庫医療大学
■ 日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社
■ 国立研究開発法人理化学研究所
■ 大塚製薬株式会社
■ 広島大学医学部附属病院
■ 関西医科大学附属病院
■ 大阪健康安全基盤研究所